
 Overview of Malaria

            Malaria is a parasitic infectious disease with sign of fever, chills and profuse sweating. Malaria is caused by intracellular protozoal endoparasite belonging to genus plasmodium. Plasmodium affects several body parts like liver ,RBCs,spleen and brain.But it does not affects kidney.

There are 4 species of plasmodium

  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium malaria
  • Plasmodium oval

Mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles are the vector of the malarial disease in human beings .plasmodium is digentic parasite it complete its life cycle in two different host i,e man and female anopheles mosquito.

Signs and Symptoms includes :-

 The clinical features of malaria vary from mild to severe. The disease presentation will vary according to patient’s state of immunity, the intensity of the infection and the presence of accompany conditions such as malnutrition, anaemia and other diseases.
Malaise, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, anorexia, chill, rigors, sweats, headache, cough,vomiting and diarrhea etc.

The above signs and symptoms are not specific for malaria and can be found in other disease conditions. Therefore it is necessary to investigate for other causes of febrile illness.

Laboratory investigation is mandatory and urgent for all patients admitted with severe malaria.
Parasite-based diagnosis by microscopy is important while rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) may be an alternative. Laboratory tests should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical findings.

   Preventions and controls   

Malaria can be controlled or prevented only through keeping he pollution of vector mosquito under control.

Stagnant water bodies acts as breeding ground for mosquito .Water should not be accumulated for long time .
In larger water bodies ,like ponds,application of Paris green is recommended in mosquito breeding place .
Introduction of larvicidal fish such as Gambusia and Lebistes in water bodies helps in reduction of mosquito population as these fish eats the larva of the mosquitos.
Uses of mosquitocidal chemical.
Uses of mosquito net, repellent cream and mats .
Most effective medicine for malaria is quinine.
Uses of chloroquine ,primaqunine tablets may prevent malaria.

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