Over viewTuberculosis is chronic airborne infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis also known acid fast baccili; less frequent it can be caused by mycobacterium avium and mycobacterium africanus. It is a public health problem .
Sign and symptoms
- Cough of more than two weeks.
- Chest pain .
- Fever .
- Loss of appetite.
- Excessive Night sweats .
- Haemoptysis(sputum mixed with blood stains).
- Loss of weight .
Types of Tuberculosis
- Pulmonary TB : Its most common and infectious affecting the lung.
- Extra pulmonary TB: occurs when bacteria spread outside the lung to cause damage in any organ such as meninges, lymphnodes, kidneys, spine, intestinal and ostearticular. it common among people with HIV/AIDS .
Prevention and controls
- It is spread through coughing ,sneezing ,talking and splitting droplets .
- It can also prevented by immunisation that includes BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) vaccine .
- Patient should be isolated from other patient .
Personal hygiene and sanitation should be maintain to reduce the risk of disease.
- Antibiotic such as rifampicin,isoniazid,etc.