Japanese B-encephalitis
Japanese b encephalitis (JE) is caused by a group of arthropods bone viruses (B arboviruses),which are Flavivirus .it is transimited through mosquitoes of genus culex.Sign and symptoms
- In human body the incubation period of the virus is 5to 15 days after which the symptoms of the disease appear .
- The disease are marked with fever ,headache and malaise.
Running nose .
Prevention and controls
- Stagnant water bodies acts as breeding ground for mosquito .Water should not be accumulated for long time .
- In larger water bodies ,like ponds,application of Paris green is recommended in mosquito breeding place .
- Introduction of larvicidal fish such as Gambusia and Lebistes in water bodies helps in reduction of mosquito population as these fish eats the larva of the mosquitos.
- Uses of mosquitocidal chemical.
- Uses of mosquito net .
- Uses of repellent to keep the mosquito away .