Whyscientist are failing to find the vaccine of covid-19,Coronovirus |
World Health Organization finally declaring a pandemic, all eyes have turned to the prospect of a vaccine, because only a vaccine can prevent people from getting sick.

Coronavirus is highly mutable virus which means during its replication of genetic material from host to host it's genetic make up changes to some extend.When a virus enters our body, immune system is activated and its lead to production of antibody. An antibody which is specific for this virus,it has a types of immune memory which recognized the virus if the person is exposed to the virus in its natural form and it provide us immunity. But as this virus is highly mutable one the previously produced antibody can no longer identify this virus and counter act it.As there have been already reported cases of reinfection which means the person who had once infected with this virus and recovered are been detected with the same virus and symptoms.All vaccines work according to the same basic principle. It does not give us a disease but it leads to production of antibody an immunity. But this antibody will also be a specific one against which is used to prepare vaccine and once the virus has mutated it will be of no effectiveness. So it is huge challenge to get such vaccine ,although lots of research and testing are going on to find the vaccine.